Make Up Your Mind Day: Embracing Decision-Making on December 31
Make Up Your Mind Day on December 31 invites us to embrace the power of decision-making as we transition into the new year. By reflecting on our past choices, setting clear intentions, and committing to our decisions, we can foster personal growth and clarity in our lives.As we stand on the cusp of a new year, this day serves as a crucial reminder that every choice we make shapes our journey. So, whether you’re contemplating career moves, personal goals, or relationships, take the time to make up your mind and step into the future with confidence. With intention and clarity, you can welcome the new year as a time of possibility and growth!
Date: June 15 Nature Photography Day celebrates the art and beauty of capturing the natural world through photography. This day encourages photographers, both amateur and professional, to explore and document the wonders of nature. History Nature Photography Day was established by the North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA) in 2006 to promote the enjoyment of […]
When: Always on May 4th National Candied Orange Peel Day is dedicated guessed it.... candied orange peels! Now, just what the heck is a candied orange peel? And, is it edible? Yes, it's edible. If you are a chef or a baker, then you know just what it is, and how to use it. […]