World Vegan Day

Pi 3.14159
Pi Approximation Day
Pi Approximation Day, celebrated on July 22nd, honors the mathematical constant π and the creative ways mathematicians approximate its value. This playful observance encourages exploration and appreciation of mathematical approximation techniques, showcasing the ingenuity and curiosity that surround the infinite and intriguing digits of pi.
Be Nasty Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 8th It's Be Nasty Day! There's naughty days, and nice days, and all sorts of goodie gumdrop days. So, it stands to reason that there will be a few negative type of days. This is one of them. We hope you do not celebrate this day, and that it […]
National Inventor’s Day
If you have an idea, don't tell anyone, today everyone is trying to invent something
Walk On Your Wild Side Day
Be Unpredictable! Walk On Your Wild Side Day is a chance to do something no one would ever expect you to. Today is a day to embrace your inner wild streak – to wearing nothing but neon pink, dying your hair green for a day, or showing everybody who ever said you couldn’t that you […]

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