Internet Day

Marking the anniversary of the first usage of the Internet to send a message electronically, way back in 1969. Let’s not draw attention to the fact that the system crashed half way through sending it, though…

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School Principals’ Day
Along with lawyers and bankers, school principals are in a small group of jobs whose holders are often hated and only rarely appreciated. That should change on School Principals’ Day, the origin of which is unknown but can probably be credited to teachers’ unions!Though the job title varies between countries (‘School Principal’ is used in […]
Proof Reading Day
Take some time and re-read everything you write for Proof Reading Day – better to get it right than to have to go back through and fix your mistakes!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Windmill Day
Windmills were once a much more common feature of our landscapes; however, modern industry has rendered these historical wind-powered factories mostly redundant. Windmill Day encourages you to visit your local windmill, get involved in restoration projects, and to try your hand as a miller!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Frozen Food
It if wasn't once frozen, don't bother eating it today

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