Plush Animal Lover’s Day

Plush Animal Lovers Day is a day of celebration that is held every year to show your favourite stuffed toy some extra special love and appreciation.

The original origins of the dayâ??s creation are vague but there is an unconfirmed Urban Legend that the day first came about after a collectibles dealer named Royal Selangor came up with the idea of a Teddy Bears Picnic Day in the late eighties. Other stuffed toys became jealous that Teddy Bears were being singled out for their own celebration and demanded a special day all of their own! Not long after, Plush Animal Lovers Day quickly replaced Teddy Bears Picnic Day in popularity!

Plush Animals Day is a great opportunity for you to share your love of your favourite toy with the rest of the world. Try taking them to your Office, school or work-place or by giving your toy an extra special tea party all of their own. Take this day to show your favourite toy just how much they have been loved in all the time youâ??ve been together and remember – a stuffed toy is for life, not just for Christmas!

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