Hagfish Day

Hagfish are widely believed to be one of the world’s ugliest living creatures, made even more repugnant by their production of viscous slime as a defense mechanism. Hagfish Day aims to promote understanding that in nature, beauty isn’t everything – and that in fact, the Hagfish is a highly evolved and specialised creature worthy of respect.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/hagfish-day/

Apricot Day
Not many people know that just three apricots will provide a person with a third of your daily beta carotene needs. This is just one of the benefits of this fruit that are celebrated on Apricot Day! Apricots are also rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and fibre.Apricots have been grown by humans for around […]
person holding sewing machine
Sewing Machine Day
Date: June 13 Sewing Machine Day celebrates the invention and impact of the sewing machine, a device that revolutionized the textile industry and home sewing practices. This day acknowledges the ingenuity behind this essential tool and its continued relevance in modern times. History Sewing Machine Day commemorates the patenting of the first practical sewing machine […]
Lei Day
The most common festivities on Lei Day are hula, lei making demonstrations and contests, and the crowning of the Lei Queen and her court. What better way to celebrate Lei Day than by booking a trip to one of Hawaii’s many resorts!Each island has its own Lei, traditional to each made with flowers, fruit and vines […]
No News Is Good News Day
When : September 11th Turn off all news broadcasts. Today is No News Is Good News Day. We all could use a little good news. No Radio broadcasts. No Television newscasts. And, heaven forbid...avoid the newspaper at all costs. Your local fish wrapper is always filled with bad news.  The news media thrives on bad […]

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