Bridge Day

Bridge Day is the largest annual gathering of BASE jumpers in the world, which often sees over 200,000 extreme sports fans gathering to watch participants plunge 876 feet from the River Gorge Bridge (pictured) into the New River in Fayettevilla, West Virginia, United States.

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Cartoonists Day
Cartoonists Day celebrates the anniversary of the publishing of the first ever colour cartoon, The Yellow Kid in 1895. Now cartoons are a core component of many newspapers, publications and printed media, and have had (and continue to have) a huge impact on our culture.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Auctioneers Day
Some of the planet’s biggest personalities, loudest voices and quickest talkers are celebrated on Auctioneers Day. It’s a time to remember that auctioneering is one of the world’s most ancient professions, having begun more than 2,000 years ago.In fact, the very first auction was held about 500 B.C. in Babylon. The late 17th century saw […]
Change A Light Day
Energy saving lightbulbs are generally more efficient, cheaper, and last longer than conventional lightbulbs. Do your bit for the environment, and upgrade your old bulbs to new, energy saving lightbulbs on Change A Light Day.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Create A Great Funeral Day
An extremely new holiday – Create A Great Funeral Day is barely a decade old. Registered as an official holiday by Stephanie West Allen as a way of attempting to relieve the pressure of having to decide what a loved one would want for their final send off.The Day was founded with the hopes of […]

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