Get Smart About Credit Day

Bankers and members of the credit industry give talks and presentations at schools, colleges and workplaces about the importance of good financial management.

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Sticky Bun Day
Whether you have a sweet tooth or prefer a carbohydrate filled treat, the sticky bun is the ideal gastronomic delight to fill the brief. Fortunately for those who enjoy a good sticky bun, an entire day is dedicated to celebrating and eating them – Sticky Bun Day.The exact origins of the sticky bun are debatable, as […]
Puzzle Day
With the advent of digital entertainment, the common puzzle may be falling by the wayside. Puzzle Day is your chance to go back to basics; do a jigsaw, solve a crossword or buy a Rubikâ??s Cube and frustrate your friends!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Cheese Ball Day
When : Always April 17th National Cheeseball Day is a day to stuff yourself with cheeseballs. But wait!!! What kind of cheeseball are we talking about? There's the light and airy, puffy cheeseball that you munch on for a snack by the dozens. There is also the cheeseball, often decorated with nuts, that sits on […]
Fettuccine Alfredo Day
In 1914, Roman Chef Alfredo di Lello dressed pasta with butter and cheese for his pregnant wife. Americans later went mad for it, making the sauce creamier and adding seafood or chicken to the mix. Source:

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