Steve Jobs Day

Steve Jobs was a world famous businessman, thought leader and visionary. He spearheaded and revolutionised a number of industries, and lead organisations of the like of Apple, Pixar and many other household names.

Steve Jobs died on October 5th, 2011, and Steve Jobs Day was established as a celebration of his life and commemoration of his death.

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Pretzel Day
It’s generally believed that the humble pretzel is the oldest of all snack foods, with documented consumption of pretzels dating back as far as the 7th century AD, where French monks baked salted dough strips shaped like the arms of children in prayer.Whether you like yours sweet, salty, covered in chocolate, or flavored with herbs and spices, Pretzel […]
International Moment of Laughter Day
When : Always April 14th International Moment of Laughter Day is a special day that will put a big smile on your face. The objective of this day is to get people to laugh, and to laugh more often. After all, ""laughter is the best medicine"". Moment of Laughter Day is also known as National […]
International Book Day
Start reading a book today.
Bridge Day
Bridge Day is the largest annual gathering of BASE jumpers in the world, which often sees over 200,000 extreme sports fans gathering to watch participants plunge 876 feet from the River Gorge Bridge (pictured) into the New River in Fayettevilla, West Virginia, United States.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at

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