Calendar of Bizarre American Holidays

photo of cooked bacon
National Bacon Lovers Day
National Bacon Lovers Day, celebrated on August 20th, is an unofficial holiday dedicated to honoring one of the world's most beloved foods. This sizzling celebration invites bacon enthusiasts to indulge in their favorite crispy, salty treat and explore the many ways bacon can be enjoyed. From classic breakfast dishes to innovative culinary creations, the day highlights bacon's versatility and enduring popularity. Whether you prefer it crispy or chewy, as a main dish or a flavor-enhancing ingredient, National Bacon Lovers Day offers the perfect excuse to savor the smoky goodness of bacon in all its forms.
Bubblegum Day
Bubblegum Day is all about eating bubblegum to raise money for charity. Great fun for kids, and a way to help out a good cause; just remember not to swallow too much, and to dispose of it cleanly!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
person holding apple magic mouse
Race Your Mouse Around The Icons Day
On August 28, we celebrate Race Your Mouse Around The Icons Day, a whimsical occasion dedicated to the fun and playful side of computer use. This light-hearted holiday encourages you to engage in a bit of digital amusement by racing your computer mouse around the icons on your screen. Whether you’re navigating a maze of icons or just enjoying a moment of playful interaction with your computer, this day is all about embracing the joy of technology and taking a break from the usual routine. It’s a chance to have some fun with your digital workspace and enjoy a bit of nostalgia for simpler times in tech.
women dancing
World Lindy Hop Day
On May 26, World Lindy Hop Day commemorates the energetic and playful swing dance originating in Harlem's 1920s-1930s ballrooms. The day honors Frankie Manning, a key influencer who popularized the dance globally. Celebrations include workshops, performances, and dances, highlighting Lindy Hop's cultural heritage and its significance as a symbol of joy and unity. Enthusiasts worldwide participate in preserving this dance to ensure its continuity across generations.

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