International Sudoku Day

The WPF board decided to set the International Sudoku Day for a symbolic date - 9/9.Please share it in your countries and promote this day. More details about activities planned for this day to come.
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Drinking Straw Day
Can you imagine drinking a milkshake without a straw? Or how anyone would manage a juice box? How many soft drinks would you have spilled on yourself in dark movie theaters if it werenâ??t for straws? I think we can all agree drinking straws have changed our lives for the better enough to deserve their […]
Look on the Bright Side Day
When : Always December 21 Look on the Bright Side Day is today. We hope you see the light. Literally looking on the bright side may be a bit difficult today. It is winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. And, December days tend to be cloudy. However, we're going to be optimistic, and […]
Pancake Day
Since beginning its National Pancake Day celebration in 2006, IHOP restaurants have raised almost $16 million to support charities in the communities in which they operate. On March 3, 2015, guests from around the country will celebrate a ""Decade of Giving"" with the tenth annual National Pancake Day at IHOP restaurants and enjoy a free […]
a bloody mary beside a sliced lemon
Bloody Mary Day
January 1st marks a unique holiday for cocktail aficionados: Bloody Mary Day. This annual celebration honors the iconic cocktail known for its savory, tomato-based flavor and versatile ingredients. Whether you're sipping it as a morning pick-me-up or a brunch staple, Bloody Marys have earned their place in the pantheon of classic drinks. So, raise your glass and toast to the new year with a refreshing Bloody Mary on January 1st!

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