World Whisky Day

World Whisky Day is all about sharing good company, good times, and good whisky. Not a whisky person? This is a great excuse to give it a try! With events happening all over the world, from large gatherings to groups of friends sampling new varieties, why not try something a bit different?

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Walk On Your Wild Side Day
Be Unpredictable! Walk On Your Wild Side Day is a chance to do something no one would ever expect you to. Today is a day to embrace your inner wild streak – to wearing nothing but neon pink, dying your hair green for a day, or showing everybody who ever said you couldn’t that you […]
Train Day
Train Day which celebrates all things trains! From enthusiasts about the humble begininnings of locomotive transport to engineers developing the future of rail travel, groups across the USA gather for events, celebration, education and discovery.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
woman illustrating albert einstein formula
Teacher’s Day
Teacher's Day, observed on June 6th, is a time to show appreciation for the dedication and hard work of educators around the world. This day recognizes the important role teachers play in shaping the lives of students and shaping the future through education.
Alarm clock green
Be Late For Something Day
As the sun rises on September 5th, the world prepares to celebrate Be Late For Something Day - a quirky holiday worth embracing. In a society obsessed with punctuality and deadlines, this day serves as a gentle reminder to slow down, take a breath, and enjoy the beauty of being fashionably late for a change. So why not indulge in a leisurely breakfast, spend extra time with loved ones, or simply savor a moment of relaxation? Embrace the freedom to deviate from strict schedules and deadlines, and let yourself be a little carefree on this special day. Join the movement and celebrate the joy of being fashionably late this Be Late For

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