Nylon Stockings Day

Some holidays are there to celebrate events of momentous cultural significance; others are there to remind us of the little things in life. Nylon Stockings Day is very much in the second category, and a particularly quirky holiday it is too.

As might be guessed from the name, this is a day in which women across the world can celebrate stockings – a major part of day-to-day fashion for many women.

The stocking has come to represent a large number of different concepts, from femininity to sexuality, and so we should not be too surprised to find that there are people willing to celebrate it. Granted, setting an entire day aside may seem an excessive measure to some people, but that is business as usual with holidays – what is just another date on the calendar to one person may be a red-letter day to another.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/nylon-stockings-day/

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