Kite Day

Get outside and fly a kite today - weather pending!

International Polar Bear Day
If you're a polar bear, you know what to do
World Plumbing Day
Get under the sink and fix those u-bends today.
Fortune Cookie Day
Date when celebrated : Always on September 13th This day celebrates the creation of the Fortune Cookie. What a great cookie. A little slip of paper inside of it brings you good luck, a whimsical saying, or a philosophical thought. (we favor good luck...we can use all we can get). Its pretty clear that the […]
Cheese Doodle Day
While cheesy cornmeal snacks can be enjoyed all year round, they are best enjoyed on Cheese Doodle Day. While there are many variations on the snack food, which is made by puffing and baking cornmeal and then coating it with cheese, the most popular are Cheez Doodles. These are produced by Wise Foods, who began […]

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