International Pizza Cake Day

International Pizza Cake Day - a day for the world to unite around cakes that look like pizzas. Want to learn more about International Pizza Cake Day? Read ""The Tale of Gundermeaux"" (in our photos) to learn about the very first pizza cake!
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Multiple Personality Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 5th Multiple Personality Day is an opportunity to get in touch with yourselves. Someone with a split personality has two personalities. Someone with multiple personalities has more than two personalities.  Its a psychological disorder that we hope none of our readers have. Don't be surprised to find yourself surrounded […]
No Bra Day
Boobies are Fantastic… We all think so. And what better way to express the way we feel than to support a full day of boobie freedom?? Women are magnificent creatures, and so are their breasts. Let us spend the day unleashing boobies from their boobie zoos. Ladies, free your breasts for 24 hours by removing […]
Strawberry Ice Cream Day
Red, ripe, juicy strawberries churned and frozen with some fresh cream and a bit of sugar is all that is needed to make a delicious strawberry ice cream. And as itâ??s Strawberry Ice Cream Day, you donâ??t need to be named Ben or Jerry to celebrate â?? everyone can enjoy a bowlful!Variations of ice cream […]
Mad Hatter Day
Mad Hatter Day celebrates the Mad Hatter, from Alice In Wonderland. The original picture of the Mad Hatter by John Tenniel in Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland (more commonly known as Alice In Wonderland, by Lewis Caroll) always depicts him wearing a hat, bearing the note “In This Style 10/6″. Although we know this is really an […]

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