Rubber Eraser Day

Date When Observed: Always on April 15

Make no mistake... Rubber Eraser Day celebrates the invention of erasers. We all make mistakes. This day is designated to recognize and appreciate the value of that little plug (as manufacturers call them) ,that sits atop our pencils. When we make a mistake, they are the big ""cover-up"", make that eraser, of our booboo or faux pax. Just imagine how messy our documents would be without it!

Why not just call it ""Eraser Day""? There's two reasons. The first erasers were made of rubber. Today, they are made of rubber, or vinyl.  Secondly, in Great Brittain, they are formally called ""rubbers"".

In the world of erasers, there are two men are prominent. Joseph Priestley discovered the eraser in 1770, using pieces of rubber imported from Brazil. Then in 1858, Hyman Lipman of Philadelphia, Pa., patented the pencil with an eraser at the end.  

Today's Quote: To err is human, an eraser is divine!

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