Tartan Day

Tartan is one of the most recognisable patterns ever, and has a strong history for the people of Scotland. Tartan Day was created to celebrate Scottish history and the achievements of people of Scottish descent around the world. While some areas hold marches and parades, other people simply celebrate it amongst themselves. If you’ve ever been interested in Scottish history, Tartan Day is a great opportunity to research and learn.

Although Tartan Day was originally created to celebrate Scottish history, there is no reason people of non-Scottish heritage cannot join in the fun. Whether it be a scarf, skirt or even a kilt, show your love for the fabric that never goes out of fashion this Tartan Day by incorporating it into your outfit. If you don’t fancy wearing tartan, you could always celebrate by digging out an old Bay City Rollers classic and singing along to Bye Bye Baby!

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/tartan-day/

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