Caramel Popcorn Day

Popcorn is an amazing food, and a delightful treat, capable of being so many different forms of things. From the traditional buttered popcorn, to the colorful Saran wrapped candy popcorn balls that used to be given out by little ol’ Grandmas everywhere at Halloween, this hot popped corn treat has found its way into every avenue of our culture. You can even find strung popcorn garlands adorning Christmas trees during the winter holidays! But this is a day is dedicated to that very special form of popcorn, favorite of people everywhere for over a hundred years – Caramel Popcorn Day!

There is something about combining the buttery sugar goodness of caramel with the light airy nature of popcorn that just creates an amazing flavor combination you can’t stop eating. As if the richness of well-made caramel wasn’t enough, often this culinary delight has accents added to it in the form of peanuts, almonds, cashews, or even pecan. The sticky nature of caramel corn lends it well to forming balls out of it before the caramel sets, and throwing a drizzle of chocolate over this just makes it the absolute pinnacle of snack goodness.

So take the opportunity to try this special treat, even if you’re just going to go out and buy a bag from your local grocery store. For the braver of you out there, we suggest trying to make this treat yourself. The simplest way, of course, is merely to buy a bag of caramels from the grocery store, along with some plain popping corn. You then melt the caramels in a double boiler, and pour the resultant rich silky material over the popped corn, shaking to prevent it from sticking together in the process.

Caramel popcorns history goes back 150 years, and came to pass during a period where there were a number of patents being passed in the US that all had to do with adding candy to popcorn. The treat became so popular in the 100 years after its creation that Caramel Popcorn shops pretty much guaranteed a steady supply of income to those who invested in one. During this time it wasn’t unusual to see vendors of this delicious treat on busy street corners, where streetcars and bus lines came through. Eventually it found its way into the midway, and has been a staple of carnival and fair treats ever since.

So after you’ve tried making your most basic form of caramel corn, you should organize a group to celebrate this day. Have everyone try out their own recipes for caramel corn, and bring them together for a spring-time get together. You could even hold it in a park under the summer sun, and have an old picnic style event heralding back to the weekend picnic at the park from the 50’s.

If you need some inspiration, you can try looking at existing recipes for varieties such as Amish Caramel Corn, or even a variety of baked caramel corn. Whatever you do, take the opportunity to grab up a bag of this delicious variety of Caramel Corn. If you cannot find anywhere nearby that makes it fresh, you can always try Cracker Jacks, one of the original versions of this treat that was loved everywhere. With its combination of caramel covered popcorn mixed in with salty peanuts, its set a standard for what caramel corn should be. But it is just a bar to rise above, bringing your innovation to this treat is really the way to make this holiday special. So mix up a bag, take it to the office, and share it with all your co-workers!

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