Weed Appreciation Day

Everything You Think is Wrong Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 15th Everything You Think is Wrong Day is a day when nothing goes right. Have you ever had a day like that...... a day when nothing was going right? Yeah, me too! Well, today is a special day in recognition that everyone has a bad day once in a […]
International Suit Up -day
On this day, suit up in honour of How I Met Your Mother, and Barney Stinson, and because suits are AWESOME. Things to do on International Suit-Up Day - Wear a suit to university - Wear a suit to work - Wear a suit in hospital - Wear a suit to school (daring) - Eat […]
What If Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs Day
What If Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs Day prompts us to think about how our dogs and cats would cope with having opposable thumbs – let alone us!Apart from using What If Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs Day to celebrate our pets, it’s also an excuse to make use of Photoshop and post […]
burger on brown wooden tray
Burger Day (UK)
On August 27, the UK celebrates Burger Day, a delicious tribute to one of the nation’s favorite fast foods. This day is dedicated to enjoying and appreciating burgers in all their variations, from classic beef patties to creative gourmet options. Whether you're grilling at home, trying out a new recipe, or visiting a local burger joint, Burger Day is the perfect opportunity to indulge in and celebrate this iconic dish. It's a chance to explore the diverse world of burgers and savor the flavors that make this food a global favorite.

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