Something on a Stick Day

Date When Celebrated : Always March 28th

Something on a Stick Day celebrates things on a stick. Isn't this just a neat day?  We thought you'd agree.

So what comes on a stick? Practically anything. The first thing that comes to mind is popsicles and fudgecicles. Hotdogs are poplar on a stick at campfires. There's also corndogs, and shrimp and many chinese treats. Cocktail wieners and cheese are picked and eaten on a stick(a toothpick).

You can also get just about anything on a stick when receiving food samples at a store or festival.

Celebrate this fun day by serving food for meals and snacks on a stick. The kids will love it. So will you!

BTW: We are glad that today is Something on a Stick Day and not ""Something on a Shingle Day!

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