International Waffle Day

As it turns out, waffles are such a popular world-wide phenomenon, that they merit two days in the calendar to celebrate them.

Waffle Day began in Sweden as Våffeldagen, actually due to confusion between the Swedish “vårfrudagen” meaning “Our Lady’s Day” which falls on the same date. The day historically marks the beginning of spring and is celebrated by the eating of many waffles.

The alternative Waffle Day began in the USA and honours the anniversary of the patenting of the first US waffle iron invented by Cornelius Swarthout of Troy, New York and is celebrated on 24th August.

Whichever day is picked to honour it however, the waffle is certainly deserving of celebration. The remarkable dough-based gridded cakes can be eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner, snack or dessert. And then there is that whole other business of the potato waffle, different but still delectable.

Take this day to explore the variety that the world of the waffle has to offer you: tuck into American waffles topped with fried chicken or alternatively stacked and drenched in sugary maple syrup for breakfast; enjoy a Brussels or Liège Belgian waffle dusted with confectioner’s sugar or coated in chocolate or cream, or travel east and sample a soft and sweet Hong Kong waffle laced with the flavours of peanut butter or honey melon. We could waffle on forever…

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