World Water Day

Today is to remind everybody of the extreme importance of water for maintaining the environment and increasing development in human societies

East Meets West Day
When : Always April 25th It's East Meets West Day.... time for a few introductions. Many kinds of sports team hold annual East vs. West games. Most often, its held by high school sports teams. It does  not have to be limited to sports teams. It could be any club or organization that holds competitions, […]
Chocolate Caramel Day
What better way to celebrate Chocolate Caramel Day than with a favourite chocolate bar, or a piece of millionaire shortbread? Tuck in!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Beverage Day
When: Always on May 6th Beverage Day is a chance to kick back with your favorite beverage and enjoy the day. The term ""beverage"" is broadly defined. So, were talking about celebrating all beverages today.   Beverage Day should be a day of pleasure and relaxation.  Grab a bottle, can, a glass, or  a six-pack […]
Dunce Day
When : Always November 8th Dunce Day celebrates the the term ""Dunce"" and dunce caps. Today marks the death (November 8, 1308) of medieval scholar Duns Scotus of Duns, Scotland. Dunce Day is all about learning. So, lets get right to it and learn about dunce caps and the creator of dunce caps. Duns Scotus […]

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