Snowman Burning Day

Snowman Burning Day marks a change in seasons, and the transition from winter into spring. This is a traditional celebration by American and Swiss citizens to mark an end to winter.

Why not celebrate by designing a (flammable) snowman, and inviting friends to share in the fun? Some events involve elaborate spectacles, up to and including exploding snowmen!

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French Toast Day
French toast is a food made by frying bread in egg mix, though many variants exist by region and by ingredients – some including sweet additions such as fruit, syrups and milk. French Toast Day encourages you to try this delicious dish (also known as eggy bread and poor knight’s pudding) in place of your […]
Almond Day
It’s generally believed and agreed by historians (and food historians in particular) that almonds were one of the earliest cultivated foods by mankind. Almond Day celebrates this and all things almond, and rightly so, given their high vitamin E content, their effectiveness at reducing cholesterol levels and helping with weight loss!More Details...All details taken directly […]
Sweetest Day
Sweetest Day is a holiday celebrated in the Midwestern United States, and parts of the Northeastern United States, on the third Saturday in October.[1] Sweetest Day has also been referred to as a ""concocted promotion"" created by the candy industry solely to increase sales of sweets.[2] It is also a day to bestow romantic deeds […]
Camcorder Day
Wherever you live in the world, chances are your country has a TV show that manages to both delight and irritate viewers whilst simultaneously making them feel a bit uncomfortable, but also a little more self-confident. We are of course talking about programmes that revolve around home videos, sharing everything from embarrassing prom nights to […]

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