True Confessions Day

Keeping a guilty secret can be stressful and puts a strain on any relationship. On a lighter note, confessing your feelings to someone could start a beautiful new friendship! True Confessions Day is a day that was created to inspire people to let go of their secrets and have a day of honesty. It’s no surprise that confession is such a big part of many religions: it allows one to cleanse their heart of their troubles and move on with a clear conscience.

Confessing a secret that’s been difficult to keep feels good and helps to relieve stress, so why not give True Confessions Day a try by getting something off your chest and talking things through with a loved one. Remember that honesty is the best policy all year round, so maybe celebrating True Confessions Day will help inspire openness in more relationships, which can only be a good thing.

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Sourest Day
Life given you lemons? Sourest Day is the day to shout about it. Reserve the right to be grumpy, irratable and sour about the world and everything in it.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
beer filled mug on table
International Beer Day
International Beer Day, celebrated on August 7, is a global celebration of one of the world's oldest and most beloved beverages. This day is an opportunity to enjoy beer with friends, appreciate the efforts of those involved in brewing, and unite beer lovers worldwide. Whether you're a fan of lagers, ales, stouts, or any other variety, International Beer Day is the perfect occasion to raise a glass and toast to the rich history and diverse culture of beer.
Plimsoll Day
Plimsoll Day is to dedicated to the memory of Samuel Plimsoll, a member of the English Parliament who championed sailors’ safety while traveling the world’s waterways in crammed ships. He was instrumental in the amendment of Britain’s Merchant Shipping Act, which came about in response to the then – national problem of dangerously overloaded ships. […]
brown metal playground during golden hour
Merry-Go-Round Day
**Merry-Go-Round Day**, celebrated on **July 25**, is a whimsical holiday that honors the classic amusement park ride that has brought joy to countless children and adults alike. This day commemorates the enchanting carousel, with its beautifully crafted horses and cheerful music, evoking nostalgic memories of carefree fun. Whether you take a spin on a merry-go-round, visit a local amusement park, or simply reminisce about childhood rides, Merry-Go-Round Day is a delightful occasion to celebrate the simple pleasures of this timeless attraction.

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