Brutus Day

Brutus Day aims to promote recognition of the fact that betrayal, backstabbing and dirty politics aren’t by any means a thing of the past, and are as widespread and tactical in our modern, corporate lives as they were in the forums of ancient Rome. Watch your back, avoid office politics, and look out for your friends!

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photo of a boy listening in headphones
Save Your Hearing Day
On May 31st, we celebrate Save Your Hearing Day, a reminder to prioritize our auditory health. This day emphasizes the importance of protecting our ears from loud noises and other factors that can contribute to hearing loss. By raising awareness and promoting preventive measures, we can safeguard our hearing for a lifetime of vibrant sound experiences.
person lying on white bed
Put A Pillow On Your Fridge Day
May 29th marks an unusual yet delightful celebration – Put A Pillow On Your Fridge Day. This whimsical holiday encourages people to embrace the unconventional by adorning their refrigerators with pillows. While its origins are shrouded in mystery, the practice is believed to bring blessings of abundance and good luck. So, on this quirky occasion, why not join in the fun and add a touch of whimsy to your kitchen decor? Happy Put A Pillow On Your Fridge Day!
Hermit Day
When : Always October 29th Hermit Day is today. It's a quiet day to spend quietly in seclusion, all by yourself. For some people, being a recluse is a way of life. They spend everyday by themselves, in peaceful seclusion. For whatever reason, Hermits prefer living away from the crowds and the sea of humanity. […]
Get a Different Name Day
Whether youâ??re having a bit of an identity crisis, or simply fancy confusing your friends, Get A Different Name Day is a chance to throw off the shackles of the norm and adopt a new name!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at

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