Worship of Tools Day

Date When Celebrated : Always March 11th

There are few things that the male population worships more than his tools. To some, a tool is a natural extension of their arm. So, Worship of Tools Day is a logical day of celebration. And, it's definitely a guy thing. Please note however, there are more than a few ladies who love to work with their hands, and find today to be an important holiday.

Need a birthday or Christmas gift idea for one of the ""boys"" in the family?  You're never lacking for tool ideas when you visit the local hardware store.

Celebrate today by working with tools, and buying a tool or two. Receiving a tool as a gift today, makes this truely a special day.

Song of the Day: If I  Had a Hammer

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/March/worshiptoolsday.htm

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