Love Your Pet Day

How’s your relationship with your favourite furry friend? Love Your Pet Day is a chance to show your cat, dog, tortoise or [insert other] how you really feel. Treats, pampering and all the the attention that the little guy or gal can handle are a great way to celebrate!

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Roald Dahl Day
As the Roald Dahl Day website explains:The official Roald Dahl Day takes place every year on 13 September, on the birthday of the World’s No. 1 Storyteller. In 2012 we are celebrating 30 years of the swizzfiggling Big Friendly Giant. The BFG is famous for catching, creating and making dreams come true.Why not enjoy a […]
statue of liberty under blue skies
Ingersoll Day
Ingersoll Day on August 11 is a reminder of the enduring legacy of Robert Green Ingersoll—a champion of reason, freethought, and social justice. His contributions to intellectual discourse and advocacy for humanistic ideals continue to resonate today, inspiring generations to question, explore, and strive for a more rational and compassionate world.
Memo Day
When: Always on May 21st Take a memo... Today is National Memo Day. What is it for? Who created it? Why? These are questions awaiting an answer that may never come. Every once in a while, we discover a special day with no known history or description.  Have a pen and paper handy. Go grab […]
What National Holiday Is It Today? Uncovering Crazy and Fun Holidays You Never Knew Existed!
Discovering Today's National HolidayNational holidays play a significant role in the cultural and social fabric of a nation. They are often established through legislative acts, presidential proclamations, or even grassroots movements that garner widespread support. These holidays can commemorate historical events, celebrate cultural traditions, or promote awareness for various causes. Each national holiday carries its […]

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