Crab-Stuffed Flounder Day

Crab is completely delicious, but it’s so messy to eat. Try stuffing it in your favorite seafood or chicken, and you can enjoy it mess-free on the fanciest of occasions.


cheerful young woman screaming into megaphone
Hollerin’ Contest Day
Hollerin' Contest Day, observed on June 20th, pays homage to the traditional art of hollerin', a form of communication and entertainment prevalent in rural Southern communities. This quirky holiday showcases the unique vocal skills of participants who compete in hollerin' contests with loud, melodious calls.
World Laughter Day
World Laughter Day takes place on the first Sunday of May of every year .[1] The first celebration was on January 10, 1998, in Mumbai, India, and was arranged by Dr. Madan Kataria, founder of the worldwide Laughter Yoga movement.Laughter Yoga says: Laughter is a positive and powerful emotion that has all the ingredients required […]
White appetizer plate full meatball
Meatball Day
National Meatball Day on March 9 celebrates the timeless, globally beloved meatball—a dish with ancient roots and countless cultural variations. From Italian polpette to Swedish köttbullar, meatballs symbolize comfort, connection, and creativity. Honor the day by cooking, sharing, or savoring this versatile dish that unites food lovers worldwide. 🍝🎉
Tooth Fairy Day
When : Always February 28th and/or August 22 National Tooth Fairy Day celebrates one of childhood's favorite visitors. The Tooth Fairy is an American tradition with European and superstitious roots. Losing baby teeth is a sometimes traumatic experience for young children. Enter the world of the friendly, smiling and soothing Tooth Fairy. As a young […]

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