Plum Pudding Day

Plum Pudding Day is dedicated to a mouthwatering treat that, surprisingly enough, contains no plums! In the 17th century when it was first created, plums were referred to as raisins or any other type of dried fruits. Plum pudding (aka Christmas pudding) is a steamed or boiled pudding usually served during the holiday season. Plum pudding is composed of nutmeg, raisins, nuts, apples, cinnamon, dates, and many other ingredients. In England, it is tradition to have every person a household simultaneously hold onto the wooden spoon together to help stir the batter. As they stir it they also have to make a wish!

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Frog Jumping Day
Frog Jumping Day is a great day to jump like a frog. Or, is today intended to jump “over” a frog? Either way, today is a fun day.But, is this truely the reason for this day? The roots of Frog Jumping Day go back to Mark Twain’s first short story. It was first published in […]
Baked Alaska Day
Thank you, American physicist Mr. Benjamin Thompson, for discovering how to make meringue back in the early 1800’s! For meringue is a key component of Baked Alaska, the spotlighted dish being celebrated on Baked Alaska Day!Baked Alaska is made by placing slices of sponge cake in the bottom of a pie pan, filling it with […]
No Housework Day
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Men Make Dinner Day
Men Make Dinner Day is aimed at the men who never cook. The day has its own website which features reasons for participation, rules for today and even some simple recipes to get you started.Rules include a no interference policy for the women of the household, no feeding the resulting meal to the dog, and […]

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