Kite Flying Day

Find a sunny, public open place, and join in with Kite Flying Day! Take a picnic to the park and get competitive, seeing who can fly the highest, the fastest, and the most intricately!
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man planting plant
Gardening Exercise Day
Gardening Exercise Day, celebrated on June 6th, encourages people to get outdoors, get their hands dirty, and reap the physical and mental benefits of gardening. Whether planting flowers, tending to vegetables, or simply enjoying the beauty of nature, gardening is a wonderful way to stay active and healthy.
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Sushi Day
Sushi Day - June 18 Celebrating the art and taste of sushi! Facts About Sushi Day June 18 is Sushi Day, a celebration dedicated to enjoying one of the most beloved dishes in Japanese cuisine. Sushi Day is a time to savor the unique flavors and artistry of sushi, whether at home, in a restaurant, […]
Bridge Players Day
Get out the cards and play some Bridge. If you don't know how to play, then today is your chance to learn.
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International Sweater Vestival or Vestival is a wear a sweater vest to work holiday that is a parody of other celebrations. It takes place on the second Friday after Thanksgiving. In 2014, International Sweater Vestival will fall on Friday, December 5th.Knoxville, Tennessee's unrelated version of Vestival is in its eighth year as a festival and […]

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