World Play Your Ukulele Day

Each year Play Your Ukulele Day gives you a chance to ‘change the world four strings at a time’ by playing your ukulele, sharing it, and teaching others to play. That is, presuming that you own one…

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Namesake Day
Namesake Day encourages you to explore the roots of your name, to find out if you were named after somebody of something in particular, and to research and connect with people who share the same name as you.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Jackie Robinson Day
Jackie Robinson Day is a traditional event which occurs annually in Major League Baseball, commemorating and honoring the day Jackie Robinson made his major league debut. April 15 was Opening Day in 1947, Robinson's first season in the Major Leagues. Initiated for the first time on April 15, 2004, Jackie Robinson Day is celebrated each […]
Santa Fe Trail Day
steak served with grilled cauliflower
National Filet Mignon Day
National Filet Mignon Day on August 13 is a celebration of culinary excellence and the art of fine dining. Whether you're indulging in a decadent steakhouse meal or mastering the art of cooking filet mignon at home, take this opportunity to savor the unmatched tenderness and flavor of this iconic cut of beef.

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