Robinson Crusoe Day

Pretend you are stranded on an island today

Stop the Clocks Day
Imagine if time stood still today
Humbug Day
For many people, Christmas can be an incredibly stressful time of year. Coping with the pressures of shopping for gifts and planning events and parties whilst embracing the holiday spirit can be a lot to ask! Humbug Day encourages a controlled venting of all that stress before Christmas so that you can enjoy the festive […]
Blah Blah Blah Day
Sometimes it seems as if everyone is a critic. Are you fed up with your nearest and dearest suggesting you lose weight, give up smoking or paint that ceiling? Or, even if nobody is hounding you, are you all too aware that you’re putting off until tomorrow things that should have been done yesterday?If any […]
photo of a person putting black pepper into a pot
Pepper Pot Day: A Taste of Revolutionary History
In our modern world of abundant food choices and instant meals, Pepper Pot Day offers a moment to appreciate the creativity and resourcefulness of our ancestors, and perhaps to consider how we might apply similar principles of innovation and adaptation to our own challenges.

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