Punch the Clock Day

When : Always January 27th

Every once in a while, you come upon a special day that just defies definition. Punch the Clock Day is one of those days. Despite all of our research, we found no content information on the Internet to define the purpose or meaning of this day. And, you won't find information about today in the old Encyclopedias either. 

But, Punch the Clock Day is prolific on Ecard and calendar websites. So, it must truly be an important day of the year, right!?! 

Not ones to give up easily, we put our thinking caps on, and pondered the meaning of this day.  We quickly determined that this day is not intended to encourage people to punch their clocks. This is destructive, serves no logical purpose, and may result in personal injury.

Smart as we are (tee,hee), we quickly surmised that Punch the Clock Day is a day to celebrate the punch clock or time clocks used at work. Now, we wondered, why celebrate the punch clock............??

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/January/punchclockday.htm

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