Beer Can Appreciation Day

Beer has only been sold in cans since 1935, and what a revolutionary moment that was. Celebrate Beer Can Appreciation Day responsibly, and consider how different our world might be if you couldn’t get beer in cans! As ever, however, celebrate responsibly. Maybe the 25th would be a good day for anyone with an alcohol abuse problem to seek help.

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Peanut Brittle Day
Everyone loves a bit of Peanut Brittle, and the sweet treat, which dates back to the 19th century, has become so nationally adored that it has joined the legion of foods with their very own day. Celebrate the peanut based candy on Peanut Brittle Day by picking up a few bars from your local store […]
roman snail in close up
Escargot Day
On May 24, Escargot Day is celebrated, honoring the tradition of snail consumption that dates back to ancient times. Chosen for the harvest peak in France, this day highlights escargot's prominence in French cuisine through dishes like garlic and herb-infused snails. The holiday has evolved into a global event that encourages culinary diversity and exploration, allowing food enthusiasts to enjoy and learn about the heritage and sustainable practices of escargot farming.
East Meets West Day
When : Always April 25th It's East Meets West Day.... time for a few introductions. Many kinds of sports team hold annual East vs. West games. Most often, its held by high school sports teams. It does  not have to be limited to sports teams. It could be any club or organization that holds competitions, […]
Dark oval shaped rock with the text “YOU ARE AWESOME” in blue written on it with wood chips underneath the rock
The International Day of Awesomeness
The International Day of Awesomeness, celebrated on March 10, began in 2007 as a lighthearted idea to honor extraordinary achievements and everyday kindness. It inspires people to recognize their own awesomeness, celebrate others, and spread positivity. This global movement reminds us that everyone has the power to make a difference and create joy.

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