Measure Your Feet Day

Measure Your Feet Day is a day to, well it's a day to measure your feet. At this point, we stop and ask ourselves...why? We pondered this question for a while. Then, we decided it was best not to even speculate.

Celebrate today by measuring your feet. Both of them. Measure the length. Then, measure the width. For a little fun, see if you can measure someone else's feet.

Note: We are so glad that congress did not spend the time to declare this a ""National"" day.....yet

Origin of Measure Your Feet Day:

Sorry,  but our research failed to discover who created this day, when it was created,  or why in the world it was created. We sure would like to meet them, and his/her feet.

We did find some reference to this day having once been on January 30th.

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