Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day

Why January 11th?

There is a controversy among some MorseCode operators on who actually created the code: Samuel Morse or AlfredVail.  So, in order to not offend either side, I've chosen the dateof January 11, because on January 11, 1838  both Morse and Vail didthe first public demonstration of the electric telegraph together.

What's The Purpose?

As of 2007, Morse Code is no longer arequirement in order to get a Ham Radio license.
There is concern that within 50 years or so, this form of communicationwill die off due to more modern technology replacing it and those that docurrently know it, are mostly older and the newer generation isn'tlearning it to keep it going, once they pass on.

So, to help stir up some interest in Morse Code, Ithought I'd start this observance to get people of all ages to try to atleast learn their name in Morse Code.    It's not thathard. And, you do not have to do it at the speed of lightning like the oldtimers do.  (I can't even do that!) But it is a lot of fun. And, there are different style of keys to use also.

How Do I Celebrate?

It's really simple.  Just scroll down alittle on this page and look at our Morse Code Chart and see the lettersof your name.  Then figure out the dits and dahs that make up yourname and see what it looks like.  (Although Morse Code is a soundcommunication not a visual one per se.)

We also have a Morse Code translator below  for you to type in yourname and then hear what your name sounds like in dits and dahs.

But, the best way to celebrate, ""Learn Your Name In Morse CodeDay""  is to contact your local Ham Radio Club andperhaps someone can show you how your name sounds and teach  you howto send it on a key.

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.brownielocks.com/learnyournameinmcday.html

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