Clean Off Your Desk Day

Clean Off Your Desk Day heralds the beginning of some serious spring cleaning. Do you really need all that junk, old paperwork and mess on your desk? If the answer’s no, take the opportunity to do a little tidying!

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White Chocolate Day
White chocolate is a relatively new arrival to the chocolate market, having only been invented and introduced (in Switzerland) in the 1930s. White Chocolate Day celebrates this tasty treat – and although initially considered not to be ‘true’ chocolate in a definitive sense, regulations were eventually relaxed to allow for white chocolate which contains sufficient […]
I’m Not Going To Take It Anymore Day
I’m Not Going To Take It Anymore Day is when we can fight back against all the injustices inflicted upon us.Arrive late for work by putting yourself first, and spend some time buying yourself a present when you should be at your office or factory.Don’t open any letters that look suspiciously like bills. And if […]
Feast of the Ass
The Feast of the Ass (Latin: Festum Asinorum or asinaria festa, French: Fête de l'âne) was a medieval, Christian feast observed on January 14, celebrating the Flight into Egypt. It was celebrated primarily in France, as a by-product of the Feast of Fools celebrating the donkey-related stories in the Bible, in particular the donkey bearing […]
National Inventor’s Day
If you have an idea, don't tell anyone, today everyone is trying to invent something

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