English Toffee Day

This form of caramel has a pleasant crumbly snap and marries well with nuts and chocolate. Enjoy it plain or infuse baked goods with shots of its buttery goodness.

    National Gazpacho Day
    National Gazpacho Day is celebrated on December 6.  Gazpacho is a tomato-based vegetable soup which is served cold.  Originating in Andalucia in southern Spain, and Gazpacho is widely consumed in Spanish cuisine, usually during the summer months. Use #NationalGazpachoDay to post on social media. More Details... Content discovered on NationalDayCalendar.com
    Get Over It Day
    Letting go and moving on is a difficult, painful process. Bad relationships, bad decisions—we tend to revisit the moments when we were not-so-smart …More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.preachingtoday.com/illustrations/2013/december/5122313.html
    Toast Day
    You know what is on the menu today
    Marooned Without a Compass Day
    When : Always November 6th Marooned Without a Compass Day is today. Which direction will you take today? How is your sense of direction? Do you often find yourself going around in circles? Do you feel hopelessly lost? Do you know where you are? If any of these questions describe your current state of being, […]

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