Our Wacky Holidays

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Poetry And The Creative Mind Day
Reading Is Funny Day
Fun Day
One Cent Day
Clam on the Half Shell Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 31st Today is Clam on the Half Shell Day. Boy, the world really needs a day like today. You must be elated that someone was smart enough, and had the insight, to create this day for us to enjoy and savor. We hope that you like clams. Because, the […]
Oranges and Lemon Day
Crayola Crayon Day
Weed Appreciation Day
Bunsen Burner Day
I am in Control Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 30th On March 30, 1981, President Ronald Reagan was wounded in an assassination attempt. Lots of confusion prevailed. In the White House, then Secretary of State Alexander Haig was taken a little out of context when he said ""I am in control here"". Instead of focusing upon the entire […]
close up of cupcakes
Macaroon Day
On May 31st, sweet enthusiasts celebrate Macaroon Day, a delightful occasion dedicated to honoring the beloved confection known as the macaroon. From its rich history to its diverse flavors and textures, Macaroon Day is a chance to indulge in this timeless treat and savor the joy it brings to taste buds around the world.
Pencil Day