May 22nd, 2020

Goth Day

Wear black clothes, white make-up, and approach the world from a different angle. Unleash your inner goth for Goth Day!

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Maritime Day

A day to recognize the maritime industry, Maritime Day commemorates the date upon which the first American steamship Savannah set sail from Savannah in Georgia on the first ever transoceanic voyage under steam power.

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Buy a Musical Instrument Day

When: Always on May 22and

Isn't it obvious how to celebrate Buy a Musical Instrument Day? If you are a musician in need of a new instrument, today could be a very good day indeed! If you have been considering taking up a musical instrument, today can be your starting point. And, the good news is you're never too old to begin playing a musical instrument. Many senior citizens pick up musical instruments as a hobby. They even form senior bands, often playing in public.

Okay..... Just in case you haven't figured out how to participate in this day...........

Go out and buy a musical instrument!

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