macro shot of white and brown american eagle

American Eagle Day

June 20th is celebrated as American Eagle Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness about the conservation and protection of the bald eagle, the national bird of the United States.


American Eagle Day was first proclaimed by President Bill Clinton in 1995 to commemorate the recovery and restoration of the bald eagle population, which had faced significant declines due to habitat loss, hunting, and the widespread use of pesticides like DDT.

Interesting Facts

  • The bald eagle was chosen as the national emblem of the United States in 1782 due to its majestic appearance, strength, and long lifespan.
  • After being listed as an endangered species in 1967, the bald eagle population has made a remarkable recovery, thanks to conservation efforts and the banning of DDT.
  • American Eagle Day is celebrated with various events and activities across the country, including educational programs, eagle-watching tours, and fundraising campaigns for eagle conservation projects.
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