Plant a Flower Day

Date When Celebrated : Always March 12th

Plant a Flower Day is a day to get a little dirt under your fingernails. Take a few minutes to plant a flower today.

Gardening is a great hobby. It's enjoyed by millions of people, old and young alike. Its a hobby that virtually everyone can participate in, regardless of age, and health. Senior citizens love it, as they can garden long after they give up other hobbies and sports.

Identifying the correct date for celebrating Plant a Flower Day has proved frustrating and  a bit futile. As we researched this day, we found multiple dates in March and May for Plant a Flower Day. We found no content sites defining the day, and no written documentation. No one claimed to be the creator of this day either.

Celebrate today by planting or transplanting any kind of plant. It can be done indoors, or weather permitting, outdoors.

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