Darwin Day

He gave us the theory of evolution, today is his special day

Leif Erickson Day
It honors Leif Erikson, who led the first Europeans believed to have set foot on North American soil.
brown wooden spoon with herbs on top of green bamboo mat and brown wooden surface
More Herbs, Less Salt Day
On August 29, food enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals celebrate "More Herbs, Less Salt Day," a delightful occasion dedicated to enhancing flavors and promoting well-being through the use of herbs rather than relying on excessive salt. This day encourages home cooks and chefs alike to explore a vibrant array of herbs—like basil, thyme, rosemary, and cilantro—to season their dishes, adding depth and complexity without the need for sodium. The event underscores the benefits of reducing salt intake, which can help in managing blood pressure and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. From zesty herb-infused salads to fragrant herb-roasted vegetables, "More Herbs, Less Salt Day" is a reminder that healthy eating can be both flavorful and satisfying.
egg and flowers on windowsill at home
Date: June 16 Bloomsday is an annual celebration that honors James Joyce and his groundbreaking novel "Ulysses." The day is named after the novel's protagonist, Leopold Bloom, and takes place on June 16, the day the events of the book unfold. Literature enthusiasts around the world mark this day with various events and activities that […]
Use Even If Seal Is Broken Day
Go ahead, it's still good!