National Candy Cane Day

Birthday of Sliced Bread
Bread's been around for ages, but presliced loaves didn’t hit until 1930. Within five years, sliced bread was outselling unsliced, forever changing how we eat bread. Source:
sliced cheese on brown table top
Another Cheese Day
Another Cheese Day, celebrated on June 4th, pays homage to the diverse world of cheese. From sharp cheddars to creamy bries, cheese enthusiasts use this day to indulge in their favorite varieties and explore new flavors.
International Mother Language Day
Speak only in your native tongue today
Poetry Day
Poetry Day is a celebration of poetry for everyone, everywhere: from assemblies, bus queues to hospitals and zoos. It’s a day when poetry takes to the streets. It’s a chance for you to use poetry to say things that can’t be said in prose.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at