Go Caroling Day

Though declining in popularity, carol singing is still an important part of our cultural and social psyche. We expect carol singers to come knocking on our doors, or to go out carol singing ourselves. Buck the declining trend and organise a carol singing trip with your friends and family on Go Caroling Day.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/go-caroling-day/

Compliment Day
When : Always January 24th How nice of you to visit our site today. I can see by your choice of websites, that you are an intelligent person. You are a kind and inquisitive person. I love the way you...... Yes, its Compliment Day. Today is a great opportunity to say something positive about the […]
National Weather Observer’s Day
Boss’s Day
Boss's Day is a secular holiday celebrated on October 16 (or the nearest working day) in the United States, Canada, Lithuania and Romania. It has traditionally been a day for employees to thank their bosses for being kind and fair throughout the year. This day was created for the purpose of strengthening the bond between […]
Take a Hike Day
Take A Hike Day is either about going for an exhilarating walk, or telling somebody to get lost – we’ll leave the interpretation up to you!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/take-a-hike-day/

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