Games Day

Have a look in the cupboard for some old games and play one that you haven't in awhile.

World Bartender Day
The bartender is everyone’s favourite person on a night out. They will keep you well supplied in beverages â?? probably of an alcoholic variety – at any bar or pub you happen to visit, as long as you have enough money and arenâ??t too drunk to be served!World Bartender Day is the day to appreciate […]
Video Games Day
Video games represent one of the largest and fastest growing entertainment industries – from consoles and hardware, to games and accessories, and even to the music, artwork and dialogue in games, video games are a huge part of modern life. Video Games Day reminds us that video games are still a very new creation; if […]
Whiner’s Day
""What do you mean, 'No holiday bonus this year?'""""A GREEN TIE?!?  It's Uuuugly!""What should we do?Whine???Let's be grateful for what we do have, like friends and family this holiday season, OK?Suggestions for Celebrating National Whiner's Day*Visit a shopping mall or retail store and watch people ""whine"" as they return and exchange their holiday gifts (remember, […]
Helicopter Day
Title: Soar to New Heights: Celebrating Helicopter Day on May 30th [block] Helicopter Day is a celebration of one of the most versatile and fascinating inventions of modern times. Join us as we take flight into the history, innovation, and sheer wonder of helicopters. [block] ### The History of Helicopter Day Helicopter Day commemorates the […]