Cat Herders Day

A day for those of us who feel like we’re tasked with the impossible, Cat Herders Day recognises the frustration of trying to manage the unmanageable. Whether it’s work, home, school or other areas of life, if it feels like herding cats, today’s your day.

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Frog Jumping Day
Frog Jumping Day is a great day to jump like a frog. Or, is today intended to jump “over” a frog? Either way, today is a fun day.But, is this truely the reason for this day? The roots of Frog Jumping Day go back to Mark Twain’s first short story. It was first published in […]
Nobel Prize Day
Nobel Prize Day is celebrated annually on December 10. On November 27, 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his third and last will at the Swedish-Norwegian Club in Paris. When it was opened and read after his death, the will caused a lot of controversy both in Sweden and internationally, as Nobel had left much of his […]
white clouds and blue sky
Pink Day
Pink Day is a day dedicated to celebrating the color pink and its significance. It's a fun and vibrant holiday that encourages people to wear pink clothing, decorate with pink decorations, and embrace the joy and positivity associated with the color.
white and red spiral light
Slinky Day
Slinky Day, celebrated on August 30, is a day dedicated to one of the most iconic toys in history—the Slinky. This simple yet fascinating spring toy has captivated the imagination of children and adults alike for decades. On Slinky Day, enthusiasts of all ages take a moment to appreciate the charm and engineering marvel of this classic toy. In this blog post, we'll explore the history of the Slinky, the reasons behind its enduring popularity, and some fun facts about this beloved plaything.

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