Bill of Rights Day

When : Always December 15

Today is Bill of Rights Day. To Americans, the Bill of Rights are key amendments to the U.S. Constitution, that protect our individual rights.

On March 4, 1789, the Constitution of the United States of America was ratified by the (former)13 colonies, and went into effect. States and individuals were concerned that the Constitution did not properly cover and protect a number of rights of individuals. The Constitution was signed by the original 13 states with the requirement, or understanding, that a Bill of Rights would be created, amending the new U.S. Constitution.

On September 25, 1789, the First Congress of the United States proposed to the state legislatures 12 amendments to the Constitution. 10 of these amendments were added to the Constitution on December 15, 1791.

The Bill of Rights includes these Amendments:

Amendment 1- Freedom of speech, press and religion

Amendment 2 - The right to bear arms

Amendment 3- Protection of homeowners from quartering troops, except during war.

Amendment 4 - Rights and protections against unreasonable search and seizure

Amendment 5 - Rights of due process of law, protection against double jeopardy, self incrimination

Amendment 6 - Rights of a speedy trial by jury of peers and rights of accused

Amendment 7 - Rights to trial by jury in civil cases

Amendment 8 - Protection from cruel and unusual punishment, excessive bail

Amendment 9 - Protection of rights not specified in the Bill of Rights

Amendment 10 - States rights, power of the states

Of the 12 original amendments, which ones were not approved? The original Amendments # 1 and #2 did not pass These dealt with the number of representative to congress, and compensation to representatives. Had they passed, there would be over 6,000 congressman today!!!

On Bill of Rights Day, we hope you celebrate you American Citizenship, and spend a few minutes reflecting upon the freedoms that you enjoy. These freedoms do not exist in many countries of the world.

Also See:

Citizenship Day

Constitution Day

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