Violin Day

The violin is an incredibly versatile musical instrument, allowing for music of great passion and incredible delicacy. Violin Day salutes violinists, and encourages you to listen to music featuring violins. If you’re feeling particularly brave, why not try to learn to play?

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Opera Day
Operas have been captivating audiences since the sixteenth century, and this highly revered art form continues to gain new enthusiasts today. An opera is a piece of performance art that combines music with text, and is often a dramatic enaction of a story, complete with acting, scenery and costumes.There is no better time to celebrate […]
Tongue Twister Day
Peter Piper picked a peck of… Peter Piper pecked a pick… Never mind; you get the point. Tongue Twister Day is about fumbling through those awkward phrases in an attempt to improve enunciation and impress your friends.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Marzipan Day
Love it or hate it, marzipan plays a big role during the festive period. Chances are youâ??ve got a fair bit left over (including toppings of Christmas cakes and treats), and youâ??ll need something to do with it. Marzipan Day is all about exploring this sweet, yellowish paste of ground almonds, sugar, and egg whites as […]
Spreadsheet Day
A holiday sure to appeal to some people more than others, Spreadsheet Day commemorates the date that VisiCalc, the first spreadsheet program for personal computers, was released – October 17th, 1979. Since its beginnings, Spreadsheet Day has grown to become a day for celebrating both the advantages and the aggravations of working with spreadsheet software.The […]

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