Violin Day

The violin is an incredibly versatile musical instrument, allowing for music of great passion and incredible delicacy. Violin Day salutes violinists, and encourages you to listen to music featuring violins. If you’re feeling particularly brave, why not try to learn to play?

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five men pulling black rope
Work Like a Dog Day
Work Like a Dog Day, observed on August 5, is a day to celebrate hard work, dedication, and perseverance. This day acknowledges the tireless efforts of individuals who go above and beyond in their professional and personal lives, much like the loyal and hardworking dogs we admire. It’s a perfect opportunity to recognize and appreciate those who embody a strong work ethic and to inspire others to approach their tasks with the same enthusiasm and diligence.
Extraterrestrial Abductions Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 20th Extraterrestrial Abductions Day is today. Keep one eye on the sky. And, be ready to duck, dodge, and to hide. UFO's may be everywhere, looking to abduct humans. If you are not careful, perhaps they will find you! Of course, there are more than a few people out […]
Use Less Stuff Day
In a world with rapidly diminishing natural resources, conservation is incredibly important. Use Less Stuff Day is all about re-using, patching up, recycling and handing things down rather than throwing them away and buying new things.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Rain Day
Rain Day, celebrated on July 29, is a special day dedicated to appreciating the beauty and importance of rain. This holiday, originating in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania, invites us to embrace the rain and recognize its vital role in our ecosystem. From taking a walk in the rain to learning about its ecological significance, there are many ways to celebrate and enjoy Rain Day.

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