Human Rights Day

Annually on December 10, Human Rights Day is celebrated across the world.

This date honors the December 10, 1948  United Nations, General Assemblyâ??s adoption and proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; the first global enunciation of human rights and one of the first major achievements of the new United Nations.

 It was on December 4, 1950 that the formal establishment of Human Rights Day occurred at the 2017th Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly when resolution 423(V) was declared, inviting all member states and any other interested organizations to celebrate the day as they saw fit. Each year a new theme is adopted by the United Nations.

Traditionally, the five-yearly United Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights and Nobel Peace Prize are awarded on Human Rights Day,  There are high-level political conferences and meetings that are held as well as cultural events and exhibitions dealing with human rights issues along with many governmental and nongovernmental organizations active in the human rights field that also schedule special events to commemorate the day. 

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